CK Therapy ; thoughtful reflections. Learning to sit with.
Sitting with someone in their feelings or depression rather than trying to help them up the ladder to the light can often show more care, allows the person to rest and makes it easier to take the steps in the future. • Sometimes we feel low and it can feel as though we're sat in a pit or a rabbit hole. • When we feel this way we may have no energy, motivation or ability to see the opportunity to get out. • Accepting & acknowledging that feeling helps it move faster than denying, displacing or distracting from it; it allows space to process that we feel sad, why we feel sad and helps us move forward. • So If a friend or therapist offers to climb down the ladder and sit with us in our feelings and show it's okay; it can help us accept that these sad feelings are normal. And we know we don't need to use energy acting or being happy. Which allows for space to process what's going on for us. • If we ask someone whose exhausted to go up the ladder, they may use all their energy and or you may use up all of yours trying to get them to the top. • If you allow them time to rest they can gain the energy to climb the ladder. • You can always remind them you can take each step at a time with them. A final note from a therapist's perspective; it's a difficult moment as a therapist when you are confronted with the reality that you cannot eliminate the pain of the world. It's always important to remember to sit with someone is a powerful gesture-it's vulnerable. We simply become two people sharing a moment of humanity. As the therapist, you have to trust that there is meaning in your lack of words and simple gesture of sitting with whatever emotion is coming up for the client. When we do this well, and with intention, we give our patients freedom: Permission. The ability to sit with pain and still survive. We never take for granted that the sofa is a much braver seat than the chair. To learn more about sitting with for yourself, someone you care for or about therapy ; [email protected] 07730569162 www.CK #psychotherapy #therapist-perspective #ashbydelazouch #empathy
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28/12/2024 07:41:20 am
Daytime intensive therapy programs providing structured support for mental health recovery while allowing patients to return home at night.
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Catherine KnivetonArt Psychotherapist, Archives
February 2025