When you feel overwhelmed your body can become very warm as it starts to prepare for the threat response.
Try holding some ice or ice packs on your wrists to support grounding your nervous system. Ice can calm the nervous system both by signalling to the brain to slow down your heart rate , distracting you from feelings of panic and focus your feelings onto your body and immediate surroundings. We love these sensory water bead packs as they can double up as a fidget toy as they begin to warm after being held. These are reusable ice packs for injuries but work so well in our therapy rooms. Find more grounding techniques and resources on our resources page here; https://www.ckpsychotherapy.co.uk/resources.html #groundingtools #groundingresources #therapyresources #therapeutic #ice #sensoryactivity #sensorylearning #nervoussystemregulation #psychotherapy #emdr #onlinetherapy #arttherapy #somatictherapy #ashbydelazouch
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Catherine KnivetonArt Psychotherapist, Archives
February 2025